Our operation is boutique and highly specialized. We are very much hands on with everything we create. When you visit our studio you will find us restoring a piece of furniture, painting a new wallpaper design or sketching for a potential project. Our studio is very much like an Italian family kitchen. You will always find us discussing new finishes, new designs and whatever else tickles our souls.


Each and every design was hand painted by us. Every order is custom and made in our studio in Culver City, California



We specialize in restoration of water, smoke, earthquake and construction damage on surfaces like faux finished walls, furniture, floors, irreplaceable or difficult to match areas. We can recreate a variety of textures like stones, gold leaf, wood, cement as well as perfectly restore any faux finish, wallpaper and mural painting. Reusing and Reclaiming is not only cost effective, it is also your ultimate echo-smart choice.



is the art of embellishing surfaces such as walls, furniture, and objects using various techniques and materials. The goal of decorative painting is to enhance the aesthetic appeal of a space or object. It can involve a range of styles and methods, including stenciling, faux finishes, trompe l'oeil, and murals. Decorative painting can be used to create a variety of effects, such as adding texture, depth, and pattern to a surface. Decorative painting can create unique and memorable environments.



From ancient Egypt to medieval Europe

Gilding Is the art of embellishing wood, metal, plaster, glass, or other objects using gold in the form of powder or leaf. The technique also includes the use of other materials such as silver, palladium, aluminum, and copper alloys.